Padre Pio Relics visit on October 1

St. Pio of Pietrelcina

On Monday, October 1st, from 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm, relics of St. Pio of Pietrelcina on tour from San Giovanni Rotondo will be displayed for veneration in our monastery chapel.  You are welcome to join us in the special opportunity.

We do not usually have this many events to post, but what an opportunity to share with you our devotion to this great saint whose intercession was so powerful on earth and now also in heaven.  Padre Pio suffered much; and he offered his suffering for the Church.  We implore his powerful intercession for our Church today.

Padre Pio stories from our Mothers and Sisters

Our founding Mother and Sisters had a great devotion to Padre Pio during his lifetime.  Our Mother Foundress wrote him to ask if he would accept us as his spiritual daughters.  We still have the card in our archives with his response.

Another Sister was very concerned about her ailing mother, who had converted to the Catholic Faith but did not know or practice the Faith as much as Sister had hoped.  In fact, her mother did not truly appreciate the great sacrament of Confession and how beneficial regular confession is to our spiritual life.  Now, with her mother in the hospital back home in Chicago, Sister wrote to Padre Pio, the famous and saintly confessor, to ask him for his prayers.

Some time later, when her mother had recovered, Sister spoke with her about her time in the hospital, and asked about confession.  “Yes, I did go to Confession,” said her mother.  “A Franciscan friar came in and asked me if I would like to make my confession, and I replied that I would.”  When Sister happily repeated this to the community, the other Sisters from Chicago exclaimed, “Why, Sister, that must have been Padre Pio!  There are no Franciscan houses near that hospital.”  We know that Padre Pio was documented to bilocate in similar cases, and we praise God for His marvelous works.

We could share any number of other stories with you, of physical healing, spiritual conversion, and other smaller but no less welcome blessings, from our own lives and those of our friends.  If you would like to read more Padre Pio stories we suggest you learn more about him online, and join us in venerating his relics and asking for his intercession with Our Lord on October 1.